Summer in Museum Kampa




The exhibition Meeting Places from one of the most important Czech conceptual artists, Václav Cigler will end in July 26, 2009

The exhibition Meeting Places presents five leading principles of his work: space, water, light and human being. This unique installation was created for the premises of Museum Kampa.

We also present two international highlights of this year: paintings, drawings and graphics of the most important German artist of the first half of the 20th century, Max Beckmann. His work will be displayed in Prague for the first time as well as the playful exhibition of the group CoBrA, one of the most interesting movements in modern painting and sculpture, finding the source of inspiration in the fantasy of kids or people with mental disabilities.

And what about the complementary programs?

During the year we organize educational programs and workshops for families with children, school groups and the public. You can also come to Museum Kampa and visit our interactive program along with the exhibition of Václav Cigler.


Summer in Museum Kampa

16. července 2009
16. července 2009