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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 21259
New cycling paths in Prague
23.9.2019 — Prague councillors have agreed to support the financing of the project preparation and partial creation of new routes for cyclists and pedestrians in northeast Prague. Districts 14, 18, 19, and 20, as well as Čakovice, Satalice and Vinoř, will plan to connect existing cycle paths by slightly adjusting field roads and third-class roads to create a unified and efficient network.
Praha se těší na návrat turistů, připravila pro ně kartu Prague Visitor Pass
3.6.2022 — Od června startuje první fáze ostrého provozu turistické karty Prague Visitor Pass. Podle zástupců Prague City Tourism a Operátora ICT, který se podílel na jejím vývoji, nyní bude návštěva Prahy zejména pro zahraniční turisty mnohem jednodušší. Kromě hlavních turisticky atraktivních památek karta v současnosti nabízí celou škálu akceptačních míst mimo dlouhodobě přetížené centrum. Prague Visitor Pass tak odráží i nový přístup města k cestovnímu ruchu, kdy se ho po pandemii snaží obnovit v jeho udržitelné formě.
Prague Is a World-Class City Thanks to UNESCO
11.12.2017 — On December 4, 2017, Prague celebrated the 25th anniversary of the inscription of the Historical Center of Prague on the UNESCO's List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The international conference Prague – World Heritage City 2017 was organized to commemorate this occasion.
Prague Improvisation Orchestra’s experimental project in Fair Trade Palace in Prague
23.11.2019 — The event will include many musicians, microphones, speakers, and tape recorders, and spectators will be able to move freely among them. The project will resemble a live installation.
Primátor Svoboda zahájil jubilejní desátý ročník Art Prague
7.6.2011 — Výstavní síň Mánes poskytla prostory pro desátý ročník veletrhu současného umění Art Prague, kterou včera zahájil pražský primátor Bohuslav Svoboda. V rámci vernisáže výstavy byla udělena cena UniCredit Bank Prague Photo Young Award umělci do 30 let, kterým se stal Jan Vytiska.
Prague Contact Centre
7.1.2010 — Prague Contact Centre (also called Prague City Hall Information Line) has been set up for Prague citizens to facilitate their communication with Prague City Hall, individual city districts and organizations.
Sheep and goats graze in Prague
1.5.2019 — Recently, two flocks of sheep and goats have been grazing in and around Prague's green areas. The third flock will be added soon, and all three flocks will graze in the selected locations until October.
Cross-country skiing is back in Prague - Vypich
29.1.2019 — Skipark Prague in Vypich, a popular cross-country skiing system with artificial snow, is open to the public from the 25th of January 2019. It is available for free for all cross-country enthusiasts from 8am to 9pm daily, as long as favourable climatic conditions last.
Prague to financially support fine art
8.5.2020 — Hana Třeštíková, Prague Councillor for Culture and Tourism, will propose another measure to support culture in the Czech capital to Prague City Council. This time, the financial help will be used to support the visual arts.
Prague Alleys
17.6.2005 —
Another successful year for Prague Zoo
18.1.2019 — Prague Zoo is one of the best zoos in the world, and was ranked fifth-best internationally last year. The zoo's breeding programmes have been successful - 1340 animals were born here in the last year. New species of animals have been introduced to the zoo, including the Etruscan shrew, the smallest mammal in the world. This insectivore, which is between 3 and 5 centimetres long excluding the tail and has an average body mass of 1.8 grams, is to be found from the end of the summer in the pavilion 'African House'.