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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 21259
Festival Prague meets Vienna prohlubuje spolupráci mezi Prahou a Vídní
7.6.2023 — Tři dny plné kultury, odborných přednášek a mezinárodní spolupráce. To je festival Prague meets Vienna, jehož cílem je posilovat vztahy a spolupráci mezi Prahou a Vídní. Akce se uskuteční od 8. do 10. června na Mariánském náměstí a dalších místech v Praze. Veškerý program je pro veřejnost přístupný zdarma.
‘Phenomenon of Prague Passages’ photo exhibition
16.9.2020 — An interesting exhibition focusing on Prague's covered passages started on Monday, the 14th of September. This exhibition of photographs allows you to learn more about the city of Prague in detail.
Priorities of Foreign Policy
21.6.2007 — In the international context, Prague is a European city; the maintenance and development of this position requires continuing care and focused international and internal effort.
PKF vás zve na své koncerty
14.11.2013 —
Procedures for homeless people this winter
30.11.2019 — Actions to help homeless people survive the freezing weather are starting to take place in Prague this winter. Unlike in previous years, the city is allowing people with dogs to stay warm at night, whereas they were previously refused in dormitories. There are also more facilities available for those with health issues. The municipal police are taking part in the winter measures along with the social services.
EIA in Prague, tables
20.5.2005 — informace z ročenky Praha ŽP 2004, tabulky
Prague City Tourism
17.12.2024 —
Prague Whitewater Games
8.8.2024 — Letošní kayakcrossové a freestylové závody Prague Whitewater Games se ve vodáckém areálu v Praze – Troji konají už od 9. do 11. srpna. Vstup zdarma.
Press Release: DESIGNBLOK
11.4.2009 — Designblok - the annual week-long exhibition of new pieces from the world of design
Navalis Saint John’s Celebrations will light up the centre of Prague
13.5.2019 — On the 15th of May 2019, the annual celebrations of St. John of Nepomuk will take place in Prague.
Rare Chacoan peccary offspring in Prague Zoo mean hope for world breeding
16.6.2019 — At the beginning of May, two rare Chacoan peccary piglets (called Wagner's peccary in Czech from their scientific name Catagonus wagner) were born in Prague Zoo. Now visitors can see them with their parents in outside enclosure at the top of the zoo. This is a great zoological event: the Chacoan peccary has existed since prehistoric times and was only known from archaeological evidence until the 1970s.
Doll Prague. Pohádková výstava panenek a loutek
9.11.2022 — Letošní, v pořadí již sedmou, mezinárodní výstavu profesionálních uměleckých panenek, loutek a medvídků Teddy bude od pátku 11. do neděle 13. listopadu hostit pražský Palác Lucerna.