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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 197216
Independent American artist Arthur Jafa in Galerie Rudolfinum
10.2.2019 — The exhibition of the famous American filmmaker, cinematographer and artist Arthur Jafa can now be seen at the Galerie Rudolfinum. It is his first exhibition in the Czech Republic. Arthur Jafa creates images of African-American identity and culture through a broad spectrum of contemporary footage and found images. The exhibition's title, 'A Series of Utterly Improbable, Yet Extraordinary Renditions', refers to the feeling of emptiness that characterizes black life, according to Jafa.
City Gallery Prague
16.3.2009 —
Reuse dny v Praze
7.3.2024 — Zvrátit klimatickou krizi je současnou celosvětovou výzvou. Každý kontinent, stát i metropole mají svou vizi, kam v rámci této problematiky směřovat. I Česká republika si uvědomuje své závazky vůči klimatu, proto se připojila k evropské Green Deal, v květnu roku 2021 vydala Klimaplán, jehož součástí je zároveň Strategie hlavního města Prahy pro přechod na cirkulární ekonomiku.
Grants of the City of Prague in the field of culture 2010
13.1.2010 — Multi-year grants (maximum 4-year long)
Exhibitions at the Prague Castle to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Czechoslovakia
8.1.2018 — This year, we commemorate the 100th anniversary from the declaration of the Czechoslovakia. It will also be remembered by five exhibitions under the common title: Founded in 1918, prepared by the Prague Castle Administration.
The Residence of the Mayor
19.1.2010 — The Residence of the Mayor of Prague is located in the new building of the Municipal Library, which was built between the years 1925 and 1928 by Prague Municipal Savings Bank as a gift for the capital city on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of its existence and also to mark the 10th anniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic.
Prague Fringe festival will be dominated by women this year
22.5.2019 — 9 days, 19 countries, 52 productions, 242 performances - this is the popular English-language and non-verbal theatre festival, celebrating its eighteenth anniversary in the Czech Republic.
Srpen v Muzeu MHD v Praze
30.7.2024 — Muzeum městské hromadné dopravy v pražských Střešovicích připravilo na druhý prázdninový měsíc pro své návštěvníky nový program.