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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 25075
Prague Zoo is the only zoo that breeds rare Texas tortoise in Europe
18.8.2020 — The vulnerable Texas tortoise is a species of tortoise in the Testudinidae family, and one of six species of tortoises in the Gopherus genus, commonly referred to as gopher tortoises. They are native to North America, in southern US and northern Mexico. Prague Zoo, which is the only zoo in Europe that successfully breeds this species, celebrated the birth of a new hatchling in the second half of July. Texas tortoises inhabit deep burrows, which they dig with their strong claws and flattened front legs. However, they prefer to use pre-dug mammal burrows. Prague Zoo has kept a group of these interesting tortoises in the Sonora exhibit in the Pavilion of Beasts and Reptiles since 2007. The first hatchlings were born in 2010.
Prague launches a campaign informing tourists of the rules in the city at night
30.7.2019 — From the end of September, a campaign is taking place in the streets of Prague that will focus on the rules and regulations tourists need to follow in the Czech capital. The campaign is organised by Prague City Tourism in cooperation with the Night Mayor Jan Štern. It will focus on the behaviour of tourists in the most problematic parts of the town. Next year, it will be followed up by a long-term campaign that will specifically target tourists, thanks to the results of the STEM / MARK agency's survey on the behaviour of tourists in Prague at night.
Iván Gutiérrez in Jazz Dock
5.2.2019 — On Thursday, the 7th of February 2019, a Colombian songwriter known for his cooperation with Zuzana Navarová will perform in Smíchov.
The "100 Years - 534 Artists" Exhibition will present unreleased stamps from famous authors
18.12.2018 — Until next March, an exhibition will take place on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Postal Museum, where the postage stamps from 1918 - 2018 will be presented. Visitors will also see the unveiled and less known proposals.
Filmasia Festival to be filled with Hong Kong action movies
4.12.2019 — From the 5th to the 8th of December, Lucerna and Ponrepo cinemas in Prague will offer audiences a large selection of Asian action films full of martial arts during the new annual Filmasia festival. The festival is entering its fifteenth season this year. It has brought great Asian films to Prague since 2005.
Prague Writer’s Festival 2020
6.10.2020 — The international literary festival in Prague has been introducing the world's most renowned writers and the best world literature for the past 30 years. The Prague Writer's Festival will take place between the 7th and the 11th of October in the Convent of St. Agnes and Rock Café this year.
Listen to Camille Saint-Saëns’ masterpieces
29.2.2020 — Prague Conservatory invites you to an incredible musical experience on the 2nd of March, when you will get the chance to enjoy the composer Camille Saint-Saëns's works in their representative hall. Students of the Prague Conservatory and the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (HAMU) organised the concert. They formed the orchestra and they will present three instrumental compositions by the French master.
‘Manifesto’ and ‘Inwald’ – two new exhibitions in MeetFactory
30.11.2019 — Two exhibitions start in Smíchov cultural centre on the 27th of November. They are 'Manifesto' by an art collective called 'Class of Interpretation', and 'Inwald' by Ondřej Vicena.
Ukranian war through a poet’s eyes
31.12.2019 — On the 6th of January 2020, Igor Pomerancev, a Russian poet living in Prague, will introduce the poetry collection 'Amputace' ('Amputation') in the Václav Havel Library.
Klánovice - Uhříněves (přes Dubeč)
4.8.2016 —
Soutěž EY Podnikatel roku 2019 hlavního města Prahy a Středočeského kraje právě startuje. Hledáme podnikatele, kteří mění svět k lepšímu
25.9.2019 — Společnost EY vyhlásila již patnáctý ročník soutěže o titul EY Podnikatel roku hlavního města Prahy a Středočeského kraje pod záštitou primátora hlavního města Prahy Zdeňka Hřiba. Nominujte do soutěže EY Podnikatel roku inspirativní podnikatele, kteří mění svět k lepšímu. Vítězem se může stát fyzická osoba, vlastník nebo spoluvlastník obchodní společnosti, který má rozhodující vliv na její řízení a který aktivně působí v jejím vedení. Tato společnost musí existovat minimálně dva roky a mít alespoň osm stálých zaměstnanců. Porotu soutěže zajímají hospodářské výsledky a také výjimečný podnikatelský příběh.
Festival reSITE ukáže Praze recept na živé město
19.6.2013 — Mladý mezinárodní festival reSITE, který si klade za cíl komplexní pohled na budoucnost měst jako míst k lepšímu životu, se odehraje od 19. do 23. června na několika místech české metropole. reSITE oživí město happeningy a kulturními akcemi s ambicí proměnit Prahu alespoň na pár dní v inspirující moderní evropskou metropoli. Na Karlově náměstí vyroste atraktivní pavilon coby středobod festivalu pro širokou veřejnost a v uměleckém centru DOX se na dvoudenní konferenci rozproudí diskuse světových odborníků nejrůznějších profesí.
Okruh Malvazinky
4.8.2016 —
Prague Spring 2018
7.5.2018 — In 2018, Prague Spring will offer about 50 concerts that will excite lovers of the big orchestral sound, admirers of chamber music, contemporary music fans, and those who enjoy following the latest trends in the informed interpretation of the music of past eras. The festival takes place from 12 May to 3 June.
Letní filmové projekce v čítárně Unijazzu
4.8.2015 —
Retrospektiva Jána Mančušky v GHMP
26.6.2015 —