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Celkem záznamů: 64492
Municipal Library of Prague opens to the public!

8.5.2020 — Selected branches of the Municipal Library of Prague opened to the public on Tuesday the 5th of May. However, health and safety measure must still be followed. Despite the government's decision to allow public libraries to open from the 27th of April, some libraries, such as the Municipal Library of Prague, were surprised by this decision and were not ready to open so soon.

Autumn colours in Prague Botanical Garden

23.10.2020 — Prague Botanical Garden was of the few places not affected by the government's Covid-19 restrictions, but unfortunately it had to close today. Hopefully, it will reopen soon so that visitors will be able to enjoy the beautiful autumn colours! The garden is truly magical in the autumn. Those who think that all flowers have already bloomed are mistaken. For example, the Ornamental Garden is still full of colour these days.

Exhibition in Gallery 35: ‘Sibylle Bergemann. Photographien’

30.9.2019 — The French Institute in Prague is hosting an exhibition of Sibylle Bergemann's photography until the 24th of October. Bergemann is one of the most important German photographers of the last decade.

Vltavu od dnešního dne brázdí první loď poháněná na solární elektrický pohon v České republice

6.5.2010 — Primátor hl. m. Prahy Pavel Bém v rámci Dne elektromobility pokřtil první loď na solární-elektro pohon v Praze a celé České republice. Ekologickou loď s názvem Elektronemo bude provozovat Pražská paroplavební společnost.