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Celkem záznamů: 5376
Praha schválila technickou aktualizaci své inovační strategie

24.4.2023 — Rada hlavního města Prahy schválila usnesení, ve kterém požaduje změny v tzv. Regionální inovační strategii hlavního města Prahy (RIS HMP). Zároveň pověřila Pražský inovační institut (Pii) koordinací tvorby zbrusu nové inovační strategie města na období let 2023 až 2027.

The newly reconstructed Květnice Garden is ready to welcome visitors to Petřín

30.8.2019 — The Environmental Protection Department of Prague City Hall was in charge of repairing a neglected part of Květnice Garden, costing 2.8 million CZK. The garden is part of Petřín Park (Petřínské sady) and is located above Nebozízek in the proximity of the Rose Orchard (Růžový sad).

Founded 1918 / Symbolic Power of the Bohemian Crown Jewels

16.1.2018 — In order to commemorate the 100th anniversary from the declaration of the Czechoslovakia and the 25th anniversary from the foundation of the Czech Republic, the Bohemian Crown Jewels will be exhibited in the Vladislav Hall at the Old Royal Palace.

Prague City Council approve Negrelli Viaduct renovations

29.6.2019 — The extensive reconstruction of the Negrelli Viaduct, the second oldest bridge in Prague, will be followed by the transformation of the bridge's surrounding area, including the space beneath it. According to the proposal recently approved by Prague City Council, a new creative space with cafes, a library, and/or a summer theatre space could be developed under the viaduct.