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Celkem záznamů: 5376
Illustrators head to Prague

20.9.2019 — LUSTR, the international festival of contemporary illustration, takes place from the 19th to the 24th of September in Campus Hybernská. This year, the theme of the festival is freedom. The festival is an exhibition of current original illustration. Both the main and accompanying programmes point out key issues in today's society.

Prague City Assembly

21.11.2018 — Prague City Assembly has 65 members that are elected in municipal elections by Prague citizens for a four-year period. The following parties, movement, and coalition are represented for the election period 2018 - 2022: Česká pirátská strana, PRAHA SOBĚ, koalice "TOP 09, STAN a KDU-ČSL", ODS, ANO 2011. Prague City Assembly holds a session once a month (or as needed) and its meetings are open to the public. Meetings of the Assembly are convened in writing and made available to the public. Prague City Hall Assembly decides on significant matters that concern Prague. It puts forward bills in the Chamber of Deputies and approves the Prague City budget, both of which have been previously discussed with individual city districts. Additionally, the Assembly approves the City and territorial districts development programs, issues generally binding regulations, grants honorary citizenships, and awards of the City of Prague. Detailed competences are laid down in Section 59 of the Act on the Capital City of Prague. List of Members of Prague City Assembly

Best pole dancing show coming soon!

16.2.2020 — Come to appreciate and support the best pole dance contestants who have made their way through the individual rounds of Battle League 2019 to the elite final of the competition. Pole Battle Championship will take place on the 22nd of February in the sports hall TJ Sokol Královské Vinohrady.

Praha odměnila výherce kvízu Kraje pro bezpečný internet

24.6.2021 — Radní hl. m. Prahy pro oblast školství Vít Šimral společně s ředitelem odboru informatických aplikací Magistrátu hl. m. Prahy Milanem Krchem odměnili nejlepší účastníky krajského kola kvízu Kraje pro bezpečný internet. Do sedmého ročníku krajského kola soutěžního kvízu se v Praze přihlásilo přes 2 000 žáků a téměř 1 800 jich ho úspěšně dokončilo.