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Celkem záznamů: 36221
National Library of Technology celebrates its tenth birthday

8.9.2019 — On the 9th of September, the modern building of the National Library of Technology will celebrate its tenth birthday. A rich programme with guided tours and concerts will be prepared for this occasion.

Jamaican atmosphere in Archa Theatre

29.7.2019 — On the 31st of July, reggae musician, and eight-time Grammy award winner, Ziggy Marley, will perform in Prague for the first time. His latest studio album was nominated for another Grammy and it is a call for community, activism and love.

Music and dancing in Café Na půl cesty’s outdoor concerts

4.8.2020 — The well-known training Café Na půl cesty in Pankrác in Prague regularly holds interesting outdoor events, including a series of outdoor concert during the summer holidays.

ME ve fotbale hráčů do 21 let bylo pro Prahu úspěšnou sportovní akcí

10.7.2015 — Hlavní město Praha hostilo Mistrovství Evropy ve fotbale hráčů do 21 let, které probíhalo od 17. do 30. června 2015. Evropská fotbalová unie (UEFA) přidělila pořadatelství tohoto prestižního turnaje pro rok 2015 České republice. Turnaj probíhal nejenom v Praze, ale také v Olomouci a Uherském Hradišti.