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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 18008
Hostem primátorka Prahy Adriana Krnáčová
12.4.2015 — Frekvence 1 | 12.4.2015 | 17:00 | Pořad: Press klub | Téma: Volené orgány - Primátorka - Adriana Krnáčová
RMB Award 2003 pro Karlův most
11.2.2003 —
Audit Odboru městského investora MHMP provede Deloitte Czech Republic
1.7.2011 — Výběrové řízení na „Prověření skladby a posouzení činností Odboru městského investora MHMP“ vyhrála společnost Deloitte Czech Republic. Úkolem auditu bude provést procesní, organizační, ekonomické a právní posouzení činnosti této městské organizace.
Floorball Prague Games 2022
13.7.2022 — V Praze se od středy 13. do soboty 16. července opět utkají mladí florbalisté z různých evropských zemí. Bude zde probíhat největší mezinárodní florbalový turnaj pro mládež Prague Games. Přijdete fandit českým týmům?
Prague botanical garden
24.5.2005 —
International triathlon in Prague city centre
25.7.2019 — The historical centre of Prague is hosting the international triathlon Ford Challenge Prague for the third year. This sporting event, which will take place on the 27th of July, is unforgettable for the athletes, as well as for fans and whole families.
25th International Organ Festival
6.8.2020 — The 25th International Organ Festival will take place from the 6th of August to the 24th of September in the Basilica of St. James the Greater in Prague's Old Town. Festival goers will have the opportunity to enjoy solo organ recitals by leading Czech and international organists.
Summer of music in Prague starts off with a bang!
19.6.2019 — There will be over 40 unique concerts at the fourth annual pop and rock Metronome Festival Prague. The festival will take place on the 21st and 22nd of June in Prague Exhibition Grounds and this year's programme will once again be filled with music stars, both from the Czech Republic and abroad. A great accompanying programme will be part of the festival. The festival's specialties include focusing on all ages and genres, and offering the most up-to-date current music and the greatest hits of the past
Finanční příspěvky města pro sportovní akce
23.6.2009 — Rada hlavního města Prahy schválila přidělení finančních prostředků v celkové výši 3 990 000 korun na podporu sportovních akcí v roce 2009. Hlavní město Praha na tyto akce přispívá a podporuje je v rámci partnerství při jejich pořádání.
The Italian Cultural Institute in Prague documents the transformation of the Italian landscape
7.4.2019 — Until the 3rd of May 2019, in the Baroque Chapel of the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague, you will have the opportunity to visit a photographic exhibition of the most renowned Italian photographers documenting the Italian landscape and its development from the 1950s to date.
Prague Planetarium offers new adventure for explorers of all ages
11.7.2020 — When making your plans for the summer, be sure to include Prague Planetarium on your schedule. You will be able to enjoy new shows and see the stars, as well as virtually visit the surface of Venus, among other places. Prague Planetarium is one of the largest planetariums in the world, and the only one of its kind in the Czech Republic. The main hall, Cosmorama, is 23.5 metres wide and its dome reaches a height of 15 metres, and it seats 210 spectators.
Advent and Christmas preparations in Prague Zoo
30.11.2019 — The Christmas tree in Prague Zoo will officially be lit up on Sunday, the 1st of December. Advent in Prague Zoo will be dedicated to producing presents for the animals.
Iván Gutiérrez in Jazz Dock
5.2.2019 — On Thursday, the 7th of February 2019, a Colombian songwriter known for his cooperation with Zuzana Navarová will perform in Smíchov.
Ukranian war through a poet’s eyes
31.12.2019 — On the 6th of January 2020, Igor Pomerancev, a Russian poet living in Prague, will introduce the poetry collection 'Amputace' ('Amputation') in the Václav Havel Library.
Hlavní město Praha získalo prestižní ocenění za reklamní kampaně
17.5.2023 — Dvě mediální kampaně, jejímž zadavatelem bylo Hlavní město Praha, bodovaly v soutěži ADC Czech Creative Awards. V jedné z nejprestižnějších soutěží kreativního průmyslu v Česku získaly ve třech kategoriích stříbro a dvakrát bronz Očkovací kampaně pro Prahu a Lockdownů už bylo dost. A to v podobě vizuálu, mluveného slova i copywrittingu. Kampaně zpracovala pro hlavní město agentura DDB Prague.
Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day
8.11.2017 — November 17, which has been remembered as International Student Day since 1941, has a special significance in the history of the Czech Republic. It relates to the events of 1939 and 1989.
21.9.2010 —
Pink May – The degustational festival of rosé wines and clarets
15.5.2018 — Saturday, May 19, from 10 am to 9 pm on the Vltava riverbank - Náplavka at Rašínovo nábřeží, Prague 2 (betwen Railway bridge and the Vyšehrad cliff). Free entry.
Tradiční šachový festival OPEN PRAHA začíná 6. ledna
3.1.2023 — OPEN PRAHA 2023, XXI. ročník mezinárodního šachového festivalu, se koná ve dnech 6. - 13. ledna 2023 v Hotelu Olympik v Praze 8.
National Holiday 28 October
13.10.2017 — The date 28 October represents an important day in the history of the Czech Republic. Czechoslovak independence was proclaimed on 28 October 1918.
Prague House in Brussels
20.10.2017 —
Dramatic stage reading on the square
30.5.2020 — Masopust theatre company has prepared a dramatic stage reading of 'The Resurrection and Death of Jesus' by the Norwegian author Fredrik Brattberg under Miloslav König's direction. The premiere will take place on Thursday, the 4th of June, in Na Zábradlí Theatre, when the actors will dramatically read from the theatre's windows for spectators in Anenské Square below. Miloslav König is a long-time member of Masopust theatre company. A former actor, he took over the role of artistic director this spring.
Prague Convention Bureau na roadshow v USA
17.7.2014 — Prague Convention Bureau ve spolupráci se zahraničním zastoupením agentury CzechTourism uspořádalo první společnou MICE & Leisure roadshow v západní části USA, která se konala od 7. do 14. července. V rámci roadshow uspořádali 4 networkingové kulinářské akce a workshopy pro vybrané nákupčí z řad organizátorů akcí, tour operátorů a cestovních agentur ve čtyřech amerických městech - Los Angeles, Orange County, Scottsdale a San Francisku. Součástí byla také účast na konferenci ASTA Arizona ve Phoenixu.
Zima v Zoo Praha: Co vás čeká tento víkend?
21.1.2025 — Máte rádi přírodu, zvířata a pohyb na čerstvém vzduchu? Zoo Praha si pro vás na víkend připravila zajímavý program, který potěší jak milovníky ptactva, tak sportovní nadšence.
Přehled akcí pod záštitou radních 2008
21.4.2009 —
Italian-style New Year's Eve with Collegium 1704
28.12.2019 — The Collegium 1704 Orchestra, which is dedicated to the interpretation of Baroque music, will perform music by the Italian Baroque masters with the vocal ensemble Collegium Vocale 1704 at their New Year's Eve concert in Rudolfinum in Prague.
Commemoration for Karel Kryl in the Convent of St. Agnes
2.9.2019 — On the 5th of September, as part of the 'ANEŽKA LIVE!' summer season in the Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia, a commemorative event will take place, marking 75 years since the birth and 25 years since the death of Karel Kryl, a creator and 'king' of the Czechoslovak protest-song and a symbol of resistance against communist totalitarianism.
Soup festival on Vltava riverbank
6.3.2020 — Soups from all over the world can be tasted during this year's annual popular Polívkování festival, which will take place on the 7th of March on the Vltava riverbank ('Náplavka' in Czech) in Smíchov, Prague. Come and enjoy all-time favourites and try out lesser-known soup recipes from all over the world.
Městský mobiliáře nabízí podle odborníků větší reklamní potenciál
23.8.2005 — Praha bude usilovat o úpravu smlouvy ze společností JC Decaux provozující městský mobiliář tak, aby byla pro město finančně výhodnější. Vedení města se k tomuto kroku rozhodlo na základě posudku firmy Deloitte Czech Republic, který hodnotí potenciál reklamního trhu na městském mobiliáři. Závěry analýzy trhu dnes městská rada vzala na vědomí a spolu s dalšími podklady je nyní využije při jednáních s firmou JC Decaux.
Transport by Private Car
21.6.2008 — Transport by private car is recommended only if you need to cover longer distances or travel outside of the city.
Third generation of common European vipers in Prague Zoo
31.8.2020 — Vipera berus, the common European adder or common European viper, is the only venomous snake that can be found in the Czech Republic. The third generation was bred in Prague Zoo in August and visitors can admire the baby snakes in the part of the zoo called 'Zakázanka'.
Lukáš Rittstein’s works at the Sculpture Line festival
23.8.2020 — The Sculpture Line is a festival that transforms squares, streets, parks and other public spaces into open-air galleries. The festival is taking place in Prague and other Czech cities and towns for the sixth time. Sculpture Line is the largest event in the Czech Republic that supports the connection between sculpture and public space and, in doing so, expands the cultural and artistic potential of public spaces, bringing emotion into public spaces and exploring new possibilities. The main idea of the long-term art project is to introduce contemporary art to both residents and tourists, and to enhance the social function of public spaces.
Rare Chacoan peccary offspring in Prague Zoo mean hope for world breeding
16.6.2019 — At the beginning of May, two rare Chacoan peccary piglets (called Wagner's peccary in Czech from their scientific name Catagonus wagner) were born in Prague Zoo. Now visitors can see them with their parents in outside enclosure at the top of the zoo. This is a great zoological event: the Chacoan peccary has existed since prehistoric times and was only known from archaeological evidence until the 1970s.
Women will compete for the European Cup in Judo
27.2.2019 — In the Arena Sparta Podvinný Mlýn in Vysočany in Prague, after two years, women will compete again in Judo for points to qualify for the Olympics at the European Open. The tournament is organised by the Czech Judo Union (Český svaz juda) and will take place on the 2nd of March 2019.
Prague under the spell of Christmas markets
17.12.2018 — The season of Advent, the four weeks leading into Christmas, is the time of Christmas markets where people are purchasing gifts for their loved ones and absorbing the Christmas atmosphere. Where will you find them in Prague? Traditionally, the largest two markets are in Staroměstské náměstí (Old Town Square) and Václavské náměstí (Wenceslas Square). This year's theme of the markets is fairy tales. The fairy tale motifs can be seen in the decorations. The daily performances on the stage in the Old Town Square is in line with the fairy tales theme. They will continue right through until the 6th of January 2019.
Curriculum Vitae
19.6.2014 —
Ministerstvo nás vydírá dotacemi. Blokuje zákaz vjezdu kamionů
17.10.2017 — Zdroj: Pražský deník | Deník | Strana: 8 Kategorie: Regionální zprávy Vydavatel: Vltava-Labe-Press 17. října 2017