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Celkem záznamů: 40069

4.6.2013 — Licence: MC99 XQ1GBZK9 / A (27112012 10:10 / 201211091122) ROZBOR PŘÍJMŮ, VÝDAJŮ A FINANCOVÁNÍ PODLE ROZPOČTOVÝCH KAPITOL za čtvrtletí IV. / 2012 (v tis. Kč) Období: 12 / 2012 IČO: 00064581...


26.4.2013 — Licence: MC99 XCEGB020 / 020 (14012013 09:29 / 201301141122) STATEMENT OF INCOME, DISBURSEMENTS AND FINANCING of territorial self-governing units ('TSU') and voluntary unions of communities (in...


26.4.2013 — Licence: MC99 XCEGURUA / RUA1 (30072012 16:35 / 201201231642) BALANCE SHEET of organizational units of the state, territorial self-governing units (TSU), subsidizied organizations and regional...


26.4.2013 — Licence: MC99 XCEGURUA / RUA1 (30072012 16:35 / 201201231642) BALANCE SHEET of organizational units of the state, territorial self-governing units (TSU), subsidizied organizations and regional...


6.5.2013 — Licence: MC99 XCEGURUA / RUA1 (07012013 13:25 / 201301091642) BALANCE SHEET of organizational units of the state, territorial self-governing units (TSU), subsidizied organizations and regional...


6.5.2013 — Licence: MC99 XCEGURUA / RUA1 (07012013 13:25 / 201301091642) BALANCE SHEET of organizational units of the state, territorial self-governing units (TSU), subsidizied organizations and regional...