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Celkem záznamů: 137570
Unikátní mapa pro nevidomé

26.3.2006 — Soubor čtrnácti map Prahy pro nevidomé je výsledkem práce mladičké absolventky brněnské techniky ing. Radky Fuxové. Projekt vzniká za podpory hlavního města Prahy, Knihovny a tiskárny pro nevidomé K. E. Macana a Sjednocené organizace pro nevidomé a slabozraké (SONS).

Akcent International Theatre Festival

25.11.2019 — Akcent International Theatre Festival, organised by Archa Theatre, is on until the 2nd of December. Theatre installations, interactive scenic events and productions of documentary theatre are all on the festival's programme. Archa Theatre has been organising the international documentary theatre festival Akcent since 2010. Their aim is to create a platform for art that crosses the boundaries between art, social issues and politics.

Berliner Philharmoniker New Year’s Eve Concert

31.12.2018 — For the eighth time, the traditional New Year's Eve Gala Concert of the Berlin Philharmonic. Orchestra will be broadcasted live to cinemas all over the world, the Lucerna cinema in Prague being one of them. Ring in the New Year a little bit differently in 2018! The Berliner Philharmoniker is one of the most important symphonic orchestras in the world. Much of their fame is due to the legendary conductor Herbert von Karajan. In the Gramophone's review of The World's 20 Greatest Orchestras, critics rated the orchestra as the second-best in the world.

Charitativní akce na Štědrý den

24.12.2016 — ČT 24 | 24.12.2016 | 12:00 | Pořad: Polední události | Téma: Volené orgány - Primátorka - Adriana Krnáčová