I Need to Address…
Owner of Cultural Monument’s Handbook
Everything that you should know
Renewal of Cultural Monuments
(According to provisions of Sec. 14, Para. 1 and 2 of Act No. 20/1987 Coll., On State Monument Care, as amended)
- How to proceed – for more information, click here ((only in Czech)
- Processing time: 30 days. In particularly complex cases 60 days.
- Request for a binding opinion of Prague City Hall – Heritage Department (PCH - HD)
Request for a binding opinion of PCH-HD - Cultural Monuments and National Cultural Monuments according to Sec. 14 (1) (form)
Request for a binding opinion of PCH-HD according to Sec. 14(2) (form) - Power of attorney to represent the property owner (form)
- Who can lodge a request?
- In case of a national cultural monument – owner
- In case of a cultural monument – owner
- In case of a real estate located in Prague Monument Reservation - owner, administrator, user
- In case of a real estate located in a monument zone – owner, administrator, user
- In case of a real estate located in a protective zone – owner, administrator, user
Provision of archaeological research
- Protection of archeological cultural heritage in Prague – information for builders and investors
Consent of the owner of the real estate to label it as cultural monument
- Download file
Example of sheeting to cover the scaffolding on the monument
A commentary on the competence of the National Heritage Institute (NHI) and PCH-HD stipulated in Act No. 20/1987 Coll., On State Monument Care, and other valid legal regulations
Areas of competence of individual officers in the City of Prague
List of restorers
- List of restorers and their permits to restore cultural monuments on the NHI website (only in Czech)
National Heritage Institute in Prague:
- address: Prague 1, Old Town, Na Perštýně 356/12, 110 00;
- tel: 234 653 111;
- fax: 234 653 119